Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Do Not Honk!" In India

NEW DELHI—One recent morning, Ravi Kalra jumped in front of an approaching van on a busy Delhi road.

As the van slowed down, a young woman hurried after it, whipped out a "Do Not Honk!" sticker and slapped it on its bumper.

"Be careful while pasting the sticker," Mr. Kalra cautioned. "Make sure it's not crooked."

In a matter of seconds, a gaggle of anti-honking crusaders, led by Mr. Kalra, surrounded the puzzled driver, to brief him on the do's and don'ts of honking. A big no-no? To hit the horn in frustration at a red light—something that happens all the time in the Indian capital.

"Here people blow the horn for no reason. It's like a sickness," says Mr. Kalra, who quit his job as a martial-arts trainer with Delhi's police to start a nongovernmental organization that, among other things, campaigns against honking.

Persuading Indians to stop tooting is an ambitious mission: Everyone is at it night and day—from drivers of the motorized three-wheelers called auto-rickshaws to chauffeurs of the city's ultrarich.

Motorcycles beep nonstop as they zigzag their way through Delhi's chaotic traffic. "They are the worst," says Mr. Kalra, 44 years old, who says he hasn't honked a single time since he first started driving, 25 years ago.

On roads where drivers pass on the inside lane, rarely using turn signals, even those who are opposed to honking find it hard to do without it.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Bird Flu Eases as China Shuts Poultry Markets

Transmission of bird flu to humans slowed after China restricted live poultry sales in cities with the most H7N9 infections, with no new cases in Shanghai since April 13, a week after the financial hub ordered markets to shut.

The CHART OF THE DAY shows a plateauing in the cumulative number of reported cases and fatalities -- now at 129 and 26 -- since mid-April, following market closures in Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Infections take a median of six days to cause symptoms, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found.

“That really does suggest that closing down the live bird markets has reduced the risk of infection,” said Anne Kelso, director of a World Health Organization flu research center in Melbourne who was among international specialists invited to China to advise the government on the crisis last month.

Disease trackers have yet to pinpoint how infections are occurring, with contact with infected poultry identified as the most probable source. Rooting out the viral reservoir will help prevent further transmission and reduce the risk of the virus mutating to become as infectious as seasonal flu -- a scenario that could touch off a deadly pandemic.